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Our Mission: To process the quality olives in our own garden as olive oil and table olives with our experienced and expert staff by providing the most suitable production conditions and to present them to our customers in Turkey and abroad in the most accurately applied, appropriate, natural and reliable way, all stages from production to consumption should exceed the established quality standards.


Our vision: To be the first choice of customers looking for quality in our sector by producing the highest quality olive oil and table olives. The responsibility of contributing to the achievement of Turkish olive Oil to the brand value it deserves in the world is another of our missions. Starting with the principle of sustainability, we want to continue to present to you the abundance of these trees in the most appropriate way by showing the respect it deserves to the wise olive tree, which has existed for thousands of years in order to leave a natural legacy to those who will come after us, who have witnessed the establishment and destruction of many civilizations throughout their life and then new ones.


Our environmental policy: While providing you with the products that you enjoy consuming the most and contributing to your taste buds, it is also to show due care to our olive trees, which we consider as living beings, and to keep the carbon footprint at a minimum in the process from the plant stage to the craftsmanship stage in our production.

Products: Olives and Olive Oil

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